Ecological Monitoring (Assessment and Monitoring)

Understand dynamic ecological systems before and after development.

We deliver cost-effective, easily interpretable wildlife and vegetation assessments to mitigate and assess the impacts of your projects, and fully realize the ecological potential of your places.

Tell Us About Your Project
Ecologists surveying in a forested marsh.

Multi-dimensional assessments made simple

Our ecological consultants use scientifically rigorous environmental monitoring and assessment systems to understand disturbances to pre-development ecosystems, or measure the progress of ecological restoration projects. We use field assessment data with ArcGIS and R software to efficiently conduct spatial and statistical analysis.

From riparian (riverbank) vegetation, to old growth forest, to wetland restoration, we bring the right tools and experience.

We take dozens of protocols into consideration including:

  • Marsh Monitoring Program
  • Acoustic bat surveys
  • Breeding bird surveys
  • Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network
  • Ecological Land Classification (ELC) certification
  • Tree risk assessment standards
  • Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES)
  • Butternut Health Assessment (BHA)

We work at all scales and timelines. Our satisfied customers include single assessments and decade-long monitoring commissions.

Dougan Ecology is here to support your ecological restoration or naturalization goals while ensuring policy compliance.

A reindeer on a rocky mountain.

Our client-focused, mission-driven team is ready to move your project forward with the best quality information

Our experienced ecological consultants, passionate GIS experts, and experienced project managers offer integrated services for assessment, monitoring, and all your ecological consulting needs.

Contact Us
An ecologist walking through a marsh.

Get Started

Find out how a great team with ecological expertise, GIS tools, creative design, and policy experience can move your project forward.

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